Take the guesswork out of plant care
Never over or under water
Monitors your soil moisture and notifies you when it’s time to quench your plant’s thirst
Ensure energy to grow
Tracks your plant’s light intensity and tells you if it’s getting enough or too much vitamin D
Find the perfect conditions
Helps you find the perfect mix of temperature and humidity, so your plant stays comfy
How Willow Works

Install the app
iOS and Android available
Pair Sensor and Hub to app
you can connect multiple Sensors to a single Hub
Plant your Sensor
start to receive notifications & plant happiness score
Care for your plant
dive into the app for extended care guides
Keep your plants alive with our bestsellers
Starter Pack Starter Pack
Starter Pack Starter Pack
Regular price $68.00Regular priceUnit price perFor the budding plant enthusiast
1 Sensor
1 Hub -
Plant Parent Plant Parent
Plant Parent Plant Parent
Regular price $146.00Regular priceUnit price perFor the growing plant lover
3 Sensors
1 Hub -
Urban Jungle Urban Jungle
Urban Jungle Urban Jungle
Regular price $225.00Regular priceUnit price perFor the avid plant collector
5 Sensors
1 Hub
Plant care in your back pocket
The Willow App isn't just another source of rings and dings. Yes, it notifies you when you need to take action to keep your plants healthy and thriving. But it also contains a heap of smarty-pants info so that you can justify that Philodendron you have been eyeing off